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Globus-Hol Road Assistance

Towing is a last resort
We fix passenger cars, vans, trucks and buses

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Auto Garage stationary,
TIR 24 mobile services

Poland's first independent mobile workshop allow a professional to fix the vehicle in terms of:
  • automotive mechanics
  • electromechanical
  • automotive electronics
  • air conditioning service (also for trucks and buses)
  • rubber tir
  • pneumatic brake systems
  • hydraulic hose crimping
  • improve the hydraulic systems in extreme conditions
  • welding on the road
  • fuel pumping
Nothing is able to surprise us. The good of the client is the most-important for us. We will make every effort to be able to pull away from the point of failure on its own wheels subject to the availability of parts and components needed for repairs.

Roadside Assistance 24/7
towing of vehicles

Professional equipment for towing and direct assistance on the road in a very real sense, to trucks, vans, trucks, buses and construction equipment specialist. Help for 24/7, 365 days a year.

Tire service
vulcanization TIR 24/7

Did you get a flat tire? Do not worry, we'll help you. We provide vulcanization services for cars, vans, trucks, TIR. We can do wheel straightening tire change, tire service and all of it on the road to make you going again ASAP. We provide services for 24/7!

Emergency opening
of vehicles 24/7

Nail up the car keys, broken key or central locking stopped working? We will help you in this situation! Reconstruct the key with immobilizer and encode it, we will open your vehicle without any damage.

Repair of hydraulic
hoses TIR 24/7

Service hydraulics, repair of hydraulic hoses. It's all possible on the road. We have an independent mobile workshop that will help improve truck and specialized equipment.

Air condition

Bad smell? Too hot? You have a problem with the air conditioning? We check for leaks and fill the air conditioning, anti dump ultrasound, regenerate parts. We service air conditioning for cars, vans, buses and trucks.

Pneumatic service
for trucks

No brakes, EBS failed, pressure regulator is failing or air compressor refused to obey? If you are looking for a professional mobile website is the right place - call, we are available 24 hours.

Road and medical

Emergency medical services - securing collisions and provide first aid in case of accidents, even on open water.

Water rescue
diving, service

Towing service and personal watercraft, motorboats and sailboats on the water and on land. Removing vehicles from the waters. Diving for vehicles and lost valuable things under water and open water ponds to allow diving.

car audio and video

Car audio and video in your car is not fiction, it's real reality. In a world of tremendous power decibels you will go crazy! If you don’t belive - see it yourself! I have created a tremendous sound in roadside assistance american truck.

on vehicles

Do you want to advertise your company or product on vehicles? Call us, we provide a comprehensive service in this field.

Car insurance

Again, you have given your body, remember to insure your car? We will help you find suitable for your needs ubazpieczenie OC, AC and NW.
Autoserwis TIR 24h Kraków

Auto Garage stationary,
TIR 24 mobile services

more »
Autoserwis TIR 24h Kraków

Roadside Assistance 24/7
towing of vehicles

more »
Autoserwis TIR 24h Kraków

Tire service
vulcanization TIR 24/7

more »
Autoserwis TIR 24h Kraków

Emergency opening
of vehicles 24/7

more »
Autoserwis TIR 24h Kraków

Repair of hydraulic
hoses TIR 24/7

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Autoserwis TIR 24h Kraków

Air condition

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Autoserwis TIR 24h Kraków

Pneumatic service
for trucks

more »
Autoserwis TIR 24h Kraków

Road and medical

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Autoserwis TIR 24h Kraków

Water rescue
diving, service

more »
Autoserwis TIR 24h Kraków

car audio and video

more »
Autoserwis TIR 24h Kraków

on vehicles

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Autoserwis TIR 24h Kraków

Car insurance

more »

Globus-Hol sp. z o.o.

502 950 019 694 886 266
Chmura tagów
pomoc drogowa tir Kraków holowanie Kraków serwis mobilny A4 holowanie pojazdów Kraków wulkanizacja tir pomoc drogowa tir 24h serwis mobilny Scania otwieranie awaryjne aut mobilny serwis opon Kraków wulkanizacja Kraków holowanie samochodu Kraków auto serwis Kraków holowanie tira serwis mobilny Volvo mobilny serwis opon holowanie tir Kraków serwis mobilny DAF otwieranie aut 24h zakuwanie węży hydraulicznych serwis mobilny Kraków wulkanizacja Kraków 24h auto serwis tir auto serwis tir 24h wulkanizacja tir 24h pomoc drogowa 24h Kraków mobilny serwis tir pomoc drogowa Kraków serwis mobilny Mecedes serwis mobilny Iveco auto serwis 24h pomoc drogowa 24h serwis mobilny obwodnica Krakowa pomoc drogowa a4 Kraków naprawa hydrauliki siłowej serwis mobilny opon pogotowie zamkowe 24h serwis mobilny 24h wulkanizacja 24h tir wulkanizacja tir Kraków serwis mobilny autostrada A4 pomoc drogowa tir holowanie samochodów ciężarowych otwieranie aut Kraków auto serwis 24h Kraków holowanie tir 24h serwis mobilny tir pomoc drogowa a4 otwieranie awaryjne aut Kraków wulkanizacja 24h Kraków zakuwanie węży 24h naprawa hydrauliki siłowej Kraków zakuwanie węży Kraków serwis klimatyzacji tir zakuwanie węży hydraulicznych Kraków pogotowie zamkowe Kraków serwis mobilny autobusów serwis mobilny tir kraków holowanie kraków 24h serwis mobilny opon kraków serwis mobilny MAN wulkanizacja tir 24h kraków serwis mobilny Scania 24h pomoc drogowa autostrada a4 serwis mobilny klimatyzacji autobusów holowanie samochodów 24h serwis mobilny DAF 24h serwis mobilny klimatyzacji tirów serwis mobilny klimatyzacji serwis opon tir serwis mobilny Mercedes 24h serwis klimatyzacji 24h serwis mobilny MAN 24h pomoc drogowa kraków obwodnica serwis Scania 24h serwis DAF 24h naprawa pneumatyki samochody ciężarowe holowanie samochodów ciężarowych a4 serwis Volvo 24h serwis opon kraków serwis klimatyzacji autobus serwis Iveco 24h holowanie samochodów ciężarowych kraków serwis mobilny Volvo 24h holowanie tira kraków serwis Mercedes 24h serwis mobilny Iveco 24h serwis tir kraków naprawa pneumatyki tir serwis MAN 24h serwis opon tir 24h serwis mobilny klimatyzacji kraków otwieranie awaryjne aut 24h naprawa pneumatyki kraków